University-Hospital Research project
Optimisation and imProved Efficacy of targeted RAdioNuclide therapy in Digestive cancers by Imagomics


The University-Hospital Research projects (RHU) are excellence programmes supported by the future investment plan and selected
by the The French National Research Agency (ANR).
They aim to support innovative and large-scale research projects in the field of health.

RHU OPERANDI - Optimisation and imProved Efficacy of targeted RAdioNuclide therapy in Digestive cancers by Imagomics

Scientific coordinator

Professor Valérie Vilgrain
Department of Radiology
Beaujon Hospital
AP-HP. Nord - Université Paris Cité

RHU OPERANDI - Optimisation and imProved Efficacy of targeted RAdioNuclide therapy in Digestive cancers by Imagomics

Targeted diseases

The Hepatocellular Carcinoma (HCC)
and the Gastro-Entero-Pancreatic
Neuro-Endocrine Tumors


RHU OPERANDI - Optimisation and imProved Efficacy of targeted RAdioNuclide therapy in Digestive cancers by Imagomics

Total project duration

5 years
2022 > 2027

Patient Pathway
Personalized Patient Pathway for HCC & GEP-NET
RHU Presentation
RHU Partners
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